Vacation Boarding

Vacation Boarding

Vacation Boarding


Ever notice when you leave your pup with grandma they seem to come back even crazier than when you dropped them off? All hyped up on cuddles and table scraps! Try leaving Fido with professionals and you will see the improved behavior almost immediately. We will watch your pup AND train them while you’re out of town. Each pup gets at least two formal training sessions per day, paired with stimulating walks and playtime with other pups!

Guidelines &

Ever notice when you leave your pup with grandma they seem to come back even crazier than when you dropped them off? All hyped up on cuddles and table scraps! Try leaving Fido with professionals and you will see the improved behavior almost immediately. We will watch your pup AND train them while you’re out of town. Each pup gets at least two formal training sessions per day, paired with stimulating walks and playtime with other pups!

Frequently Asked Questions

All dogs sleep in kennels and are in their kennels when unsupervised. This is the safest place for them to be. This includes being kenneled while in a vehicle. Our #1 priority is your dog’s safety and kennel ensures a controlled and safe environment.

We are a balanced dog training company so that means we believe in saying “Yes” and “No” to dogs. Before we are able to hold a dog accountable and say “No” we must teach them a standard. It is not fair to correct a dog for something they don’t even know is wrong.

Dogs that have never been kennel trained do struggle more when they come to us for a board and train because it’s not something they are used to, but we do make kennel training a fun game! To ease your dog’s time, we encourage clients to kennel condition their dogs prior to training by tossing treats in the kennel!

One benefit of our company is that we can watch your pup while you’re out of town and maintain their training. We provide video/photo updates while you are out of town so you know what we are working on with your dog.

Lets Talk

Have questions about my training methods, schedule or availability? Simply fill out the form below and I’ll respond via email or phone as soon as possible!

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